경험적으로 뒷받침되는 치료법 (EST)의 근거-기반 관행 추구의 문제적 가정을 넘어서 (2010)

조회수 200

Paul L. Watchtel, Ph.D.이 2010년 Psychoanalytic Psychology 27권 3호에 기고한 글

원문 초록

There has been much confusion in the literature of psychotherapy between the broad concept of evidence-based practice and the narrower set of criteria that have been employed in designating certain treatments as “empirically validated” or “empirically supported.” In contrast to the appropriate concern with examining the evidence for the efficacy of various approaches to therapy and for the theoretical assumptions that underlie them, the “empirically supported treatments” movement has been characterized more by ideology and faulty assumptions than by good science. This paper examines in detail the scientific and logical limitations of the “EST” movement and aims to place the empirical investigation of theory and practice in psychotherapy on a sounder basis.


초록 한글 의역

(작성 중)

원문 출처: https://jonathanshedler.com/PDF-archive/Wachtel%20(2010)%20Beyond%20ESTs.pdf


회사명 : 옥리인국제정신역동심리치료연구소

대표자명 : 김형지     사업자등록번호 : 126-99-31639

주소 : 서울 송파구 올림픽로 99 잠실엘스 168동 1304호

연락처 : 070-8888-3511

이메일 : ongniin@protonmail.com

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회사명 : 옥리인국제정신역동심리치료연구소     대표자명 : 김형지     사업자등록번호 : 126-99-31639

주소 : 서울시 강남구 삼성로 212, 9동 1301호     연락처 : 070-8888-3511     이메일 : ongniin@protonmail.com

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